Complaints channel

In compliance with current laws and the values ​​of Mas Errázuriz, especially transparency, this Whistleblower Channel has been implemented, whose objective is to receive everything related to irregularities or illicit acts stipulated in law 20.393 and 21.121, as well as conduct. and inappropriate actions. For this, we guarantee the anonymity and absolute confidentiality of information, ensuring that all communication received through this channel will have a response from the corresponding internal authority. Additionally, it is noted that in addition to the complaints channel, Mas Errázuriz has included within its contracts of work, code of conduct, Health and Safety Regulations, contracts with suppliers and collaborators, clauses and indications for the observance of the commission of crimes that are included in law 20.393 and mechanisms such as this complaints channel for notification of situations that need to be observed.

Relevant information to take into account:

In essence, Law 20.393 establishes that there are certain types of crimes that, if committed by a natural person and directly benefit the company, the sanction falls not only on the person who commits the action, but also on the benefited legal entity.

Crimes classified in Law 20.393:


Offer or consent to give a public employee, national or foreign, an undue benefit, for himself or for a third party, due to his position or in order for him to carry out or omit acts specific to his position, so that he may exert influence over another employee. public benefiting a third party, or to commit certain crimes.

Asset Laundering

Conceal or disguise the illicit origin of money or assets coming from any type of crime or hide or conceal said assets, as well as acquiring, possessing, having or using them, knowing their illicit origin or not knowing it due to inexcusable negligence.

Financing of Terrorism

Request, collect or provide funds with the purpose of using them to commit crimes, especially those considered terrorist.


Having, transporting, buying, selling, transforming or marketing stolen, stolen or stolen species, or objects of cattle rustling, reception or misappropriation.

Incompatible Negotiation

Take interest in contracts, operations or management of the Company in which they themselves may have a use or interest, as well as give or allow interest to be taken, and must prevent it, from people with whom they are related.

Corruption between private parties

Offering, giving or consenting to give an employee or agent an undue benefit so that they favor, in their hiring, one offeror over another. Employees or agents of the company are prohibited from requesting or accepting to receive an undue benefit, for themselves or a third party, to favor or because they have favored in the exercise of their duties the contracting with one offeror over another.

Unfair administration

Cause damage to the assets of other people, whose safeguard or management has been entrusted to them due to their functions.


Distract or appropriate species that they have received due to their functions under a title that generates the obligation to return them.

Noncompliance with isolation

Thus, any of these crimes detailed above, if committed for the direct benefit of the Company by its owners, controllers, managers, main executives, representatives or those who carry out administrative activities, will be punished in accordance with this Law, as well as also those that have been committed by natural persons who are under the direct supervision of those named above, as long as the commission of the crime is a consequence of failure to direct and supervise the Company. The duties of direction and supervision will be considered to have been fulfilled when, prior to the commission of the crime, the legal entity has adopted and implemented a Crime Prevention System, in accordance with the provisions of Law 20.393.

Enter your complaint here:

    Complainant Information:


    The complaint has to do with:

    Description of the Complaint:

    Date when the events took place:

    Witnesses and people involved:

    Are there witnesses?


    Does this complaint involve external parties?


    Attach evidence document (photo, email or other files)